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Chiropractor For Sciatica Jacksonville, FL

Chiropractor For Sciatica Jacksonville, FL


Looking to find a chiropractor for sciatica in Jacksonville, FL? Come visit Rise Chiropractic and Acupuncture.

Symptoms of sciatic nerve pain, also known as sciatica, are very painful. WIth sciatica, shooting pain from the upper thighs down into the feet occurs. Typically, this happens on one side. According to the Mayo Clinic, sciatica is, “pain that radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve, which branches from your lower back through your hips and buttocks and down each leg. Typically sciatica only affects one side of your body.”

Most patients who suffer from sciatic nerve pain feel it start in the lower part of the spine, and the pain comes and goes. Since the pain comes and goes on its own, many people just ignore the condition. Unfortunately, the longer the pain is ignored, the more extreme the pain can get. Those who have experienced sciatica before know that this pain can quite literally bring you to your knees.

Sciatica tends to flare up due to herniated discs, subluxations, or other compressions on the sciatic nerve. These compressions lead to extreme pain, inflammation, and even numbness among some patients.

If you have experienced any of the aforementioned systems of sciatica, it is time to contact Rise Chiropractic today. Dr. Dave is our chiropractor for sciatica in Jacksonville, FL. He and his friendly staff can help treat your sciatica at its source. Just because the pain comes and goes, does not mean there isn’t an underlying issue that needs to be corrected. Chiropractic care for sciatica from Rise Chiropractic can do just that. Contact us today.

chiropractor for sciatica Jacksonville, FL

Chiropractic Treatment of Sciatica

Sciatica is a very painful condition. No one should have to deal with it. Over the counter and prescription medications only temporarily mask the pain. They do not treat sciatic nerve pain at its source. Chiropractic care does seek the source of sciatica and aims to correct it so it does not come back time and time again.

Sciatic nerve pain is often caused by a misalignment in the spine. This misalignment, also known as a subluxation, can cause pain, decreased mobility, lack of sleep, and many other issues that tend to accompany sciatica. Dr. Dave, our chiropractor for sciatica in Jacksonville, FL, can identify these spinal subluxations and correct them through chiropractic care. Chiropractic adjustments often help with immediate pain relief for those suffering from sciatica. Through manual adjustments and other chiropractic therapies, Dr. Dave will treat sciatic nerve pain. These adjustments help to:

  • Realign the spine
  • Decrease pressure on the sciatic nerve
  • Improve range of motion
  • Increase nerve function throughout the body
  • Treat sciatica at its source

At Rise Chiropractic, Dr. Dave understands just how miserable sciatica can be. Do not let it continue to go untreated! Contact Dr. Dave today, your chiropractor for sciatica in Jacksonville, Florida. We are experts in sciatic nerve pain.

Contact our chiropractor for sciatica in Jacksonville, FL today to get started:

What are the Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment?

Chiropractic care provides patients with a safe, natural, and effective way to treat life’s many ailments. Doctors of chiropractic aim to treat the whole patient. They are experts in the spine, which houses the central nervous system. Did you know that the central nervous system controls every single cell in the body? If the spine becomes misaligned, it prevents the central nervous system from functioning as it should. These malfunctions can cause headaches, back aches, neck aches, allergies, poor mobility, low energy levels, poor sleep, anxiety, and more.

At Rise Chiropractic, located in Jacksonville, Florida, Dr. Dave treats patients by restoring the spine to its correct shape, therefore improving the ability of the central nervous system to do its job! This allows Dr. Dave to treat pain throughout the body at its source, unlike over the counter or prescription medications that simply mask the pain until it subsides. Unfortunately, these medications also come with a long list of potential side effects, leaving many wondering if the risk is worth the reward. Chiropractic offers a natural, safe, and effective alternative to these types of medications. In fact, studies show that people who use doctors of chiropractic as their primary wellness doctor have fewer doctors’ visits and hospital stays than those who don’t!

There are many benefits of seeing a chiropractor for sciatica and chiropractic care, which include, but are certainly not limited to:

  • Improved focus
  • Higher energy levels
  • Increased mobility
  • Strong posture
  • Lower levels of anxiety
  • Increased immunity
  • Better athletic performance
  • Faster recovery times
  • Fewer and less severe headaches

Chiropractic care from Dr. Dave at Rise Chiropractic includes a variety of treatment options and techniques. Dr. Dave knows that treatment plans are not one size fits all commodities, which is why he is intentional in providing personalized treatment plans for each patient. At Rise Chiropractic, you can expect to be treated like family. Contact our chiropractor for sciatica in Jacksonville, FL.

chiropractor for pinched nerve in Jacksonville, FL

Rise Chiropractic, in Jacksonville, Florida, Can Treat Your Sciatica

Rise Chiropractic, located in Jacksonville, Florida, can treat your sciatic nerve pain. Dr. Dave has patients that travel from all over the Jacksonville, Florida area to visit his practice for treatment. Why? Because he is simply one of the best in the chiropractic business. He knows that sciatica is a debilitating condition that causes incredible pain. He also knows that the sooner patients receive treatment, the better. By treating sciatica at its source, Dr. Dave ensures that sciatic nerve pain is a thing of the past for his patients.

At Rise Chiropractic, Dr. Dave knows that chiropractic care offers patients a holistic approach to living their best lives. A healthy spine helps provide a healthy person. Rise Chiropractic can help!

Dr. Dave wants to help patients through individualized treatment plans for their specific needs. He proudly treats patients from birth and beyond, because the benefits of chiropractic are apparent for every age. Whether you have a loved one suffering from colic and reflux, to arthritis and back pain, Rise Chiropractic can help. Contact Rise Chiropractic care, located in Jacksonville, Florida today to start your wellness journey with chiropractic!